Sarup Dua Group of Schools, Ambala are dedicated to Shri Sarup Dua. He was born on July 3, 1928 in ‘Macch’ now in Pakistan. His father Shri Chaman Lal Dua was an engineer in M.E.S. Shri Sarup Dua dedicated his life to the cause of education. He was a pioneer in Child Education in Ambala. He was the first man to open a Nursery school in Ambala in 1949. Shri Sarup Dua was a student of Forman Christian College at Lahore. He was a good gymnast. He was a dead shot. He was so good at shooting that he could shoot a piece of chalk through a hole in a coin. He was also declared Junior Champion of Lawn Tennis in Baluchistan. He had a beautiful hand. He knew Urdu,French, English, Hindi and also learnt Punjabi later. Before opening his own school, he worked as the Headmaster of S.D.Boys’ School, Ambala for a few months between 1948 to 1949. In 1949, he opened four Nursery schools, one High School and a College at Ambala under the name and style of Punjab National School & College, Ambala. His schools were rich in Montessory Apparatus and had audio visual aids like Slide projectors, Movie Projectors, Tape Recorders, Gramophone Records etc. He was a visionary. He was ahead of his times. He exerted a very powerful influence on thousands of children and helped them become capable and good human beings and sensible citizens of the country. He was very kind, just and a wonderful human being. His life was full of love of children. He untiringly worked for the upliftment of education. He developed more than 100 children’s books and thousands of worksheets in English, Hindi, Calligraphy, Drawing, Maths. and G.K. Even today, his old students within India and abroad come looking for them. He believed in each child and tried to make him a good and capable human being. He encouraged children and they could give wonderful performances. He was truly a saintly and great person who always worked selflessly for the betterment of children, society and humanity. He supported high ideals in life and before teaching them adopted and practised them. His sacred and pious memory still brings fragrance to the lives of people who knew him. Their eyes are moistened whenever they think of him as the impact of his great personality and depth of his passion for education and ethos still reverberate in the work he dedicated his life to. We remember him fondly and value the ideals he preached and are keeping the torch he lighted burning.
Shri Sarup Dua